

Foram milhares de lápis que durante a sua vida levara até à mais ínfima gota de carvão. Agora que as mãos lhe recusavam a força necessária para os continuar a segurar entre os dedos, apercebeu-se que terminaria a sua existência sem, no entanto, terminar a frase que sempre procurara finalizar. (Oldmirror)

Four years ago or maybe five,I was talking with Hidekazu Yoshida. We were on the train from Donaueschingen to Cologne. I mentioned the book by Herrigel called "Zen in the Art of Archery"; the melodramatic climax of this book concerns an archer’s hitting the bull’s eye though he did so in total darkness.Yoshida told me therewas one thing the author failed to point out, that is, there lives in Japan at the present time a highly esteemed archer who has never yet been able to hit the bull’s eye even in broad daylight.
- John Cage


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