Regressemos a temas banais. As relações são mais fáceis de explicar do que a solidão. Voltemos então para a simplicidade que encerra a palavra "amo-te" e esqueçamo-nos da complexidade contida num simples "bom dia" dito para o espelho. Misturemos sexo e religião e rezemos para sairmos deles vivos, eventualmente, satisfeitos. (Oldmirror)
First of all, I think love replaced religion for me in my sense of fervor. When I began to look for earthly love (i.e., sex), I felt that I was cutting myself off from God. By taking on the mantle of religion, sex assumed proportions that are rather far-fetched. It became the central thing in my life, my goal. I was very prone to the Heathcliff/Mr. Rochester syndrome and still am. The sexual excitement was to a great extent linked with pain and separation. My sexual life is pivotal to me, as I believe it is for everyone else. It takes up a lot of time in the thinking and in the doing, the former often taking pride of place. For me, primarily, it is secretive and contains elements of mystery and plunder.
- Philip Roth (Shop Talk)
Etiquetas: Philip Roth